Corner Match

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Corner Match will create corner match feature on a solid body. The corner match feature will be created on a selected edge. The corner match feature can be added to a solid body in a part or a component body in an assembly.


  1. On the ribbon, click STS tab > Punch Design panel > Corner Match.
  2. Select a face on the solid body to define the extrude direction of the corner match feature.
  3. Select an edge on the selected face to locate the corner match feature.
  4. Enter the length (L), width (W), radius (R) and angle values of the corner match feature. Values can be measured by clicking on the right arrow is also supported.
  5. Click to create the corner match feature.


  1. L - Length of the corner match feature
  2. W - Width of the corner match feature
  3. R - Radius of the fillet
  4. Angle(A) - Angle of corner match feature