Die Set Broswer

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Die Set Browser will show a browser with structure of die set. Components in die set can be added to the different groups in the die set structure. Motion simulation of the stamping process of the die set can be preformed, and interference during motion can be detected.


  1. On the ribbon, click STS tab > Die Set panel > Die Set Browser.

Procedures for different operations

  1. Adding components to group
    1. Select Part Priority
    2. Select component to be added.
    3. Holding Ctrl key and select a group in the die set browser.
    4. Right click on the group icon and select Add Components.

  1. Deleting component from group
    1. Expand a group in the browser.
    2. Right click on a component icon.
    3. Select Delete.

  1. Isolate group
    1. Right click on a component group.
    2. Select Isolate.

  1. Hide group
    1. Right click on a component group.
    2. Select Hide.

  1. Show group
    1. Right click on a component group.
    2. Select Show.

  1. Add slider group
    1. Right click on Die Set and select Add Slider Group.
    2. Select Part Priority
    3. Select component to be added.
    4. Holding Ctrl key and select the slider group.
    5. Right click on the slider group icon and select Add Components.
    6. Right click on the Slider group and select Set Parameters.
    7. Select and edge as the travel direction and input the parameters.
    8. Click to update the slider group.


  1. Animate...
    1. Right click on Die Set and select Animate.
    2. Enter the parameters of animation.
    3. Click Play to start the motion simulation.
    4. Click Pause to stop the motion.
    5. Click Check Interference to detect interference of paused position.
    6. Click to exit animation.
