Create EBHoles

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Create EBHoles will create cutting holes on a selected solid body according to the selected options. The hole can be created on a solid body in a part or a component body in an assembly.


  1. On the ribbon, click STS tab > Utilities panel > Create EBHoles.
  2. Select a face to define the hole cutting direction.
  3. Select entities that that defines the area of cut. The entities can be a face, an edge or points.
  4. Select the target solid body that the cut pocket will be cut into.
  5. Select the cut option, from bounding box and bounding circle.
  6. Enter the parameters for the cut pocket.
  7. Click to create the IHole cut pocket.


There are 3 options to control the cutting pocket shape.

  1. BCircle - The cut pocket profile is the minimum circle that encloses the selected entities.
  2. BBox Min - The cut pocket profile is the minimum rectangle that encloses the selected entities.
  3. BBox ODir - The cut pocket profile is the minimum rectangle that encloses the selected entities along the ODir direction.


BCircle option

  1. Dia - Diameter of the bounding circle.

BBox Min option

  1. L - Length of bounding box.
  2. W - Width of bounding box.
  3. r - Radius of corner fillet of the bounding box.

BBox ODir option

  1. ODir - Direction of alignment.
  2. L - Length of bounding box.
  3. W - Width of bounding box.
  4. r - Radius of corner fillet of the bounding box.

Depth parameters

  1. Thru - If checked, a through hole will be cut.
  2. Depth - Depth of hole, only available if Thru option is unchecked.

4 sides offset parameters

  1. A - Offset in +y direction.
  2. B - Offset in +x direction.
  3. C - Offset in -y direction.
  4. D - Offset in -x direction.