Projection Flattening

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Projection Flattening will flatten the enclosed area of the selected sketch. User can select a profile sketch and a cut sketch. The cut sketch defines the cut profile that cut alway the enclosed solid, and a flat pattern according to the profile sketch will be created. If the cut sketch is not selected, the profile sketch will be used as the cut sketch.


  1. On the ribbon, click STS tab > Unfolding panel > Projection Flattening.
  2. Select a sketch from the browser window as the profile sketch for the flat pattern.
  3. Select another sketch from the browser window as the cut sketch.
  4. Set the amount of material to be removed with the parameter Dist. 1 and Dist. 2. The material will be removed with the cut sketch in normal directions of the sketch.
  5. Set the thickness of the material.
  6. Click to flatten the area.


If there is no cut sketch is selected, the profile sketch will be used as the cut sketch also.